A vision for the future of transport in Oxfordshire
Cyclox recently invited the Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet members responsible for transport, highways and climate change to share the Fair Deal Alliance’s future vision for transport in the county.

On 16 November, Cyclox invited County Council Cabinet members Duncan Enright (Cabinet Member for Travel & Development Strategy), Tim Bearder (Cabinet Member for Highway Management) and Pete Sudbury (Cabinet Member for Climate Change Delivery & Environment) to speak at the event.
The event took place shortly after COP26, with climate change front and centre in everyone’s minds. Cabinet members Enright, Bearder and Sudbury outlined the challenges we face and their vision for the County as a whole and where Oxford sits within it, including
- active travel and public transport at the heart of the Council’s vision
- removal of car parking spaces to return Broad Street to a shared public place
- emphasis on shared resources such as car share, shared ebike schemes, etc.
- local transport hubs enabling people around the county to switch between different modes of transport more easily
- launch of a new consultation platform and approach
You can view a recording of the event here: